Ask a FasCat #26: maintaining strength, balancing fitness gains with weight loss, & more
Ben Delaney
You've got training questions; we've got answers! In fact, you had so many questions last week that we extended Ask A FasCat into a two-pod series.
On this podcast, Director of Coaching Isaiah Newkirk steps up to filed an array of your questions on subjects like balancing fitness gains with losing weight, maintaining muscle and bone density as we age, rescheduling workouts during the week, indoor racing, and much more.
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Ask a FasCat #25: Lifting weights, losing weight, boosting FTP and the Boogeyman
Clothing tips for the cold, for performance, and for overall enjoyment on the bike

Foundation : 3 Weeks
- Perfect for all cyclists beginning off season training
- Raise your CTL and the all-important muscle tension intervals