COVID-19 Training
Frank Overton
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade as the saying goes. With the cycling season put on hold until May, there's now plenty of time to get faster. Two life situations dictate your training approach:
- do you have less time to train + more stress / more 'life stuff'
- do you have more time now that you're working from home
Depending on your life situation, we recommend adopting a training style and strategy to match what you have going on plus what you have once this is all over:
- a low volume/ high intensity interval style of training or
- a sweet spot part 3 style more base/ more CTL training strategy
We've even created a Corona Training Plan, (which is free with discount code #FtFP at checkout) to help you follow the plan. But this conversation extends beyond a global pandemic affecting our training and racing, lots of things can impact our consistency, such as weather, races being cancelled for a variety of reasons, or even just "life stuff". We discuss the differences between indoor and outdoor training plans, the specifics of the Corona and Sweet Spot plans, and even throw in some tips on keeping up the Winning in the Kitchen habit during quarantine ;)
The Corona Style of Training uses a 'fresher is faster' training plan design model - the traditional low volume. high intensity approach. Other key features are:
- the 3 > 4 > 5 VO2 Progression (see below)
- AmEX Rides
- Using your power data from a 2 x 10 workout to pace yourself properly for a 20 minute field test
- why we use heart rate during the prescribed Zone 2 rides

What to Do When Your Race is Cancelled
Indoor Workout Motivation

Foundation : 3 Weeks
- Perfect for all cyclists beginning off season training
- Raise your CTL and the all-important muscle tension intervals