Ep. 10: Race Tactics - TdF Rest Day Show!
Frank Overton
It's the third rest day of the Tour, so we're back for the final installment of our Tour de France podcast series with Coach Robby Ketchell! This time, we're talking race tactics and how to apply the race strategies of the pros to your own racing goals.
It's a great conversation that combines Tour commentary and insights into how to improve your racing tactics. Definitely don't want to miss this!
Like we mentioned at the end of the show, leave a question for a future show in the comments below and we'll answer them on the podcast.
Thank you for tuning in to the podcast, and for all of the great feedback on the show. If you have questions, ping us on Twitter @fascat and @jacksonlong, or by commenting below. Don't forget to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast platform, and leave us a review on the iTunes store with your favorite thing about the podcast or how we can improve!
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Intro music: David Cutter Music // https://davidcuttermusic.com/
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Ep. 6: Follow a Cycling Training Plan to Go Faster!

Foundation : 3 Weeks
- Perfect for all cyclists beginning off season training
- Raise your CTL and the all-important muscle tension intervals