Ep. 11: Coach Isaiah on Racing Tour of Utah!
Frank Overton
This week, Frank and Jackson sit down with FasCat coach Isaiah Newkirk, a seasoned performance coach and professional cyclist for the 303 Project Cycling Team, to talk about his training leading up to next week's Tour of Utah. Isaiah is designated team leader, and will be hunting for a high overall placing at one of America's toughest races.
We talk about Isaiah's specific training, how training his gut has been a game changer for managing in race nutrition, and an overview of some of the key stages and what to expect for this exciting week long stage race. Isaiah will also be contributing regular video updates from the race, as well as publishing his TrainingPeaks data so definitely stay tuned for more ToU content!
Be sure to follow Isaiah and the 303 Project on social media to keep up with them during the race (links below). If you have questions for Isaiah for the post-Tour of Utah debrief, leave them in the comments below or via Twitter. Enjoy! Thank you for tuning in to the podcast, and for all of the great feedback on the show. If you have questions, ping us on Twitter @fascat and @jacksonlong, or by commenting below.
Don't forget to subscribe to the show on your favorite podcast platform, and leave us a review on the iTunes store with your favorite thing about the podcast or how we can improve!
Isaiah on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ianewkirk
Instagram: https://instagram.com/isaiah.newkirk
303 Project: Instagram: https://instagram.com/the303project
Follow us on social media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fascatcoaching/
Instagram: @fascatfh Twitter: @FasCat and YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FasCatCoaching
Intro music: David Cutter Music // https://davidcuttermusic.com/ Copyright © 2019 FasCat Coaching - all rights reserved.
Join our *FREE* Athlete Forum to nerd out with FasCat coaches and athletes about your FTP, race data, power based training, or anything related to going fast on the bike!Ep. 6: Follow a Cycling Training Plan to Go Faster!
Ep. 12: The Nike Breaking2 Project with Robby Ketchell and Brett Kirby

Foundation : 3 Weeks
- Perfect for all cyclists beginning off season training
- Raise your CTL and the all-important muscle tension intervals